
Bounce University

Jeff had his fun day at school on Monday. It was supposed to be water day but we had a dip in temps this week. So they just did the bounce house and played outside. For lunch they had pizza and cupcakes. The kids were just so cute. Here are some photos.

Miss Lacy liked bouncing with Jeff. And Miss Shannon just had a blast doing the hula hoop. I don't think she wants this on the internet but she is so cute, I had to.

I can't believe school is over for Jeff. We are going to have fun this summer but he will miss his little friends I am sure. I hope he remembers them in the fall.

I am headed to a scrapbooking crop on Saturday and can't wait for 12 straight hours of paper crafting! I have to pack up all my crap today and get the laundry done or I will be so far behind next week.

I can't wait for Ashley to get here for the summer. My sister's middle child will be my mother's helper for a few weeks. It will be such a help to have her at the pool and Dollywood.

Alex has had a fun month at school. He had field day, the kindergarten show (Animals around the world) and the annual fundraising auction. We won a basket of chocolates, a basket of summer fun, and a day out with the After Care providers. Alex plans to go bowling and for ice cream.

Jeffrey even got into the action on bidding...just kidding! I was not paying $850 for a calendar of my kid and his friends. That guy was nuts...no offense Dr. Clemmons!

Alex was invited to his friend Katie's birthday party and boy did he have a blast. It was a cold day but the kids did not care...they were going to slide down that enormous water slide no matter what.

This has been a busy month and we still have 2 weeks left. UGGGGH! Wish me luck and send donations to my martini fund!

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