We made it to NJ on Saturday and have been very busy visiting many of our friends and family.
Sunday we headed south to visit the Paulsen's. Watching the second generation of cousins play together was a blast. Surprisingly they all got along great (even though it was a long day). Nicholas was quite impressed with Jeff's collection of "Cars" matchbox cars. A few fights almost broke out but I was thinking ahead and had several new versions of Lightening McQueen in the car to surprise them with. Even with all the trains and cars we brought the best toy of the day was the ball of yarn from Aunt Nancy's yarn bag that almost created a riot. Who knew?
Sunday night Aunt Lorri, Uncle Tom and Sarah popped over for a visit at Keith's house (we are eternally grateful that we didn't have to pack up the brats and go somewhere else). Sarah is getting excited about college. Gosh I feel old!
Monday we spent the day around the O'Neals house (where we are staying) and the kids went to a gymnastics playgroup after Calli got out of school. Then we headed to Andrea's house for a visit. We went to the park to watch Evan practice baseball and the kids played on all the swings and slides. Jeff loved it, Alex moped around cause he was bored. Valerie is getting so big and is a good little girl. We then went back to Andrea's house and Jake (her 15 yr old) was great playing with the kids, teaching them how to play Guitar Hero. Then after some pizza we headed back to Oakland.
Tuesday we went to visit Grandpa Al at work. Alex was impressed with his "big school" and that he was the boss. Jeff just wanted to play soccer in the gym. Tuesday night I escaped the madness to go shopping but the car just pulled me in the direction of another friend who I haven't seen in forever. I wound up in Pearl River to see Doreen and John. It was a great surprise for her. She had no idea I was in town. Their kids are just so grown up now. Nicole is a typical 15 yr old. And Christian a fine young man. They have two new additions to their family (the four legged kind). And they are building a new house.
Wednesday was a lazy day. Jeff has had a fever again and I need to get him back to the doctor when we get home (provided it doesn't get worse).
Tony and the O'Neals are in the city tonight at the Cincy vs. Pitt game (the whole reason we drove here). I am babysitting with Shawn's cousin Jeff (more like drinking and watching the game while the kids play). Just thought I would blog a bit while we sat here. He is a college student at Ramapo (but is here in the states from Berlin). It has been fun talking to someone who is viewing this country for the first time.
Oh well, gotta go see what my Jeff is yelling about. Be back soon.