Well, Alex is finally a big brother. He has waited patiently for 9 months and is just thrilled to death over the arrival of Jeffrey.
Jeffrey weighed in at 10 lbs 4 oz and was 22 inches long. He shocked the operating room when he came out. They called UT while we were still on the table.
He is a little blondie and has the cutest little lips and ears. He never opens his eys so I have no clue what color they are yet. He sleeps and eats, sleeps then eats some more. Alex isn't that impressed.
Dogfood is being the mother hen. Peanut likes him better now that Aunt Lesley covered him in lotion (he likes to lick babies and lotion). Sassy is just wanting to sleep with Mommy again but Dogfood won't let her in the room.
Grandma Susan is being worn out by Alex, but is now enjoying baby Jeffrey since we came home 2 days earlier than expected. I just couldn't stand being alone in the hospital. It is way better to be home and comfortable. Aunt Lesley surprised us Friday night when we finally got home from the hospital. She wasn't supposed to come until a few weeks from now. She just can't resist babies!
Daddy and Alex went to the bar today to watch the Pitt game. Jeffrey and I stayed home and spent some quiet time together. Grandma and Aunt Lesley met Daddy and Alex at the bar to have lunch and bring Alex home. Pitt won, so it was a good day in our house.
That is it for now, I will try to post more often and keep you all up to date on the Guazzo Family Chronicles.
Janice & Company