The show was fantastic! Ashley Academy first grade attended The Three Little Pigs show yesterday at the
Blue Moon Dinner Theatre . The kids thought the wolf was hilarious and they laughed a lot during the show. During intermission they ate freshly baked cookies (made by the wolf himself). After the show they were able to meet the actors both in character and out. They asked some great questions and were very inquisitive about how things worked. They did not learn the secret of how the wolf blew the houses down, but were invited to attend the children's theatre workshops this upcoming summer to learn all about the secrets of the theatre.
We also learned that their teacher, Mrs. Owens, was in the theatre when she was in school. She may even be trying out for the Blue Moon sometime soon! They have an upcoming show she may be just perfect for!
They did get to see the set change from the pigs to the I Do, I Do set. Go see it! Only one more week!!!
The children were very well behaved and we even ate lunch there. We brown bagged it but the Blue Moon is going to start serving lunches in the near future!

Secret cheat sheets of lines...don't tell anyone!

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