How To-File Conversion
I have received many questions regarding how I create the many file conversions for the different cutter machines. So I thought I would put together a How To…, to show you how I do it.
I own the Klic-n-Kut Element, that is where I create my files and convert some of the files from Klic-n-Kut Studio software.
Alot of the files can be converted with the Inkscape program. which is a free program
1-Use the Inkscape program to create or open an SVG file.
2-Select all-Path-Object to path
3-File- Save as-choose from the list of file types to save- choose your folder to save to.
(I create a different folder in My Documents for each file format-I have a separate folder for AI,SVG,KNK,GSD,PNG,DXF,EPS,SCUT,PDF and so on)
4-Thats it, your file is now converted to which ever format you chose.
1-Open the Inkscape program.
2-File-Import-a window will open for you to find your DXF file.
3-A new window will pop up called DXF input-make no changes and click ok.
4-File-save as-(I save it as a plain SVG) Thats it!
You will need the Sure Cuts A lot (SCAL 2) program to create Scal files.
You can download the trial version of the program and use it to convert files.
1-Open Scal 2
2-File-Import SVG
3-File- Save as-Thats it!!
You will need the Robomaster Software program to convert any files to GSD.
Here is a link to the program(Free and Legal)
Robomaster Software Link
1-Open Inkscape-Open your SVG file
2-File-Save as-(save it as DXF)
3-Open your Robo Master software program.
4-File-Load DXF
5-Save as- GSD, Thats it!!
This file conversion is a little more labor intensive. But if you just have to have a file that is only in GSD this is how you do it.
You will need to Robomaster software program:
Here is a link to the program(Free and Legal)
Robomaster Software Link
You will also need CutePDF program to create a PDF of your GSD:
Here is a link to the free program
Cute PDF Software Link
You will also need Inkscape
1-Open your GSD file with Robomaster program
2-If all lines are not black go to the line settings(at the bottom-little pencil with 2 lines at the bottom)click that and select modify-select black-click ok and ok again.
3- Object selected-Click output settings-(7th icon from the top left)
4-On the printer setting choose CutePDF- and check Print cut lines.
5-Output to printer-Box pops up-copies is 1, page range is ALL.
6-Save PDF file to a folder.
7-Close Robomaster.
8-Open Inkscape- Find your PDF file. Open it-PDF import settings box pops up,just click OK. (this takes alot of resources so I get alot of program not responding,so I just click 2 times on the OK button until I see the wheels turning ,so to speak).
9-Go to Edit-Select all-Then Edit-Make bitmap copy.
10-Go to View-Outline Mode(a red x will appear,thats Ok)
11-Make sure Everthing is still selected.
12-Go to Path-Trace Bitmap-A box will pop up-Under the mode tab make sure brightness cutoff is selected- Click the update button(you should see your traced image in the preview. If not adjust the threshold up (to the right of the brightness cutoff selection) and hit update again, keep adjusting the threshold until you do see a preview.
13-Click OK and close the preview box.
14-Go to your image- hover over it until you see the 4 arrows and move the newly traced image to the side- Select the image with the red X and delete that.
15- Now save your file as a SVG. Thats it!!
It has come to my attention that DXF files created and saved in Inkscape will not work when importing into Funtime software. I have found a fix for this. Download this zip file(it is an extension for Inkscape)
Click here Download the better DXF output zip file, follow the instructions that they give, restart Inkscape and and you will now have the option to save as- better DXF output- file format.
I have tried this and it worked. YAY!!
This same problem arises with the EPS files also . I have not found out how to fix this yet.
1-Open Funtime software
2-File-Import- (You can import, DXF, AI, or EPS files)
3-File-Save as WPC
4- Thats It!!
It has come to my attention that DXF files created and saved in Inkscape will not work when importing into Funtime software. I have found a fix for this. Download this zip file(it is an extension for Inkscape)
Click here Download the better DXF output zip file, follow the instructions that they give, restart Inkscape and and you will now have the option to save as- better DXF output- file format.
I have tried this and it worked. YAY!!
This same problem arises with the EPS files. I have not found out how to fix this yet.
1-Open Inkscape
2-Open your SVG file
3-Save as DXF, AI, or EPS.
4-Close Inkscape
5-Open Funtime Scrapbooking software
6-Import-DXF,AI, or EPS
7-File save as WPC. Thats it!!
1-Open SVG file in Inkscape
2-Save as an EPS file (when asked,check the boxes next to Make bounding box around full page and convert text to paths)
3-Open KNK studio software
4-Import EPS file (select-Use PDF import filter)
5-Select All-Arrange-Break Path
Thats it!!
I have a GSD to KNK tutorial here:
Sweet Something Designs: Chocolate Candy Ornament
Chocolate Candy Ornament
How would you like to make some chocolate candy? What? You don't cook? Hmmm....don't worry this chocolate candy ornament is easy as pie, or whatever......
First of all, I purchased glass ball ornaments at the end of the season last year, knowing I wanted to make these as gifts for friends and family, this year....but these boxes are so inexpensive anyway....It would be ok to pay full price. :)
Next whip out the glue gun, load that thang up and keep the sticks handy, because this step will take a lot of sticks. Begin by taking the little metal hanger thing out, so you can stick a pencil (eraser side down) into the ornament to keep it steady.
Next, start right along the top and glob on the glue, letting it run, working your way around the entire ornament, until you've got something that looks like this:
I like to do several at a time because really, who doesn't have a zillion yellow no. 2 pencils laying around, when you have school age kids Hu? I use the pencils as a cooling rack and stuck them where ever I can find a place until they cool....the glue looks cloudy when it's cool
Now you are ready to paint. I highly recommend this type of spray paint, because it is a specialty paint, that has the perfect shade of brown...I haven't tried regular spray paint, but this is the perfect chocolate brown.
Now honestly folks, you very well could stop here. It looks really cute, just like this...but I can't leave well enough alone...
So, I use Mod Podge to coat the runny area only
Quickly sprinkle sugar looking glitter on
And well, you could really leave it looking like this...it looks really cute with a little bit of sugar on top...
But no, not me...I have to keep going...I mean well enough doesn't like to be left alone...
So with little red crafty berries
and crushed peppermint sticks
I decorated the top of the chocolate ornament...I did a random gluing of the berries and candy cane, you can do as much or as little as you want....
Ok, I'm going to leave it alone now! I added a little ribbon string and bow in the cutest check ribbon
Don't pay any attention to the glue strings, I'll get those off...
That's it! Now you have a super cute Chocolate candy ornament to keep or give to friends and family!
Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you're inspired! Try a chocolate candy ornament today!http://sweetsomethingdesign.blogspot.com/2009/12/chocolate-candy-ornament.html