Miss Lacy liked bouncing with Jeff. And Miss Shannon just had a blast doing the hula hoop. I don't think she wants this on the internet but she is so cute, I had to.
I can't believe school is over for Jeff. We are going to have fun this summer but he will miss his little friends I am sure. I hope he remembers them in the fall.
I am headed to a scrapbooking crop on Saturday and can't wait for 12 straight hours of paper crafting! I have to pack up all my crap today and get the laundry done or I will be so far behind next week.
I can't wait for Ashley to get here for the summer. My sister's middle child will be my mother's helper for a few weeks. It will be such a help to have her at the pool and Dollywood.
Alex has had a fun month at school. He had field day, the kindergarten show (Animals around the world) and the annual fundraising auction. We won a basket of chocolates, a basket of summer fun, and a day out with the After Care providers. Alex plans to go bowling and for ice cream.
This has been a busy month and we still have 2 weeks left. UGGGGH! Wish me luck and send donations to my martini fund!
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